Tag Archives: fur

Taking Care of Dogs in Cold Weather


Dogs get cold in the cold weather just like people do and it is important to make sure your dog is as comfortable as you can make the dog. Some dogs have heavy coats to protect them from the elements but most dogs even if they have a fine coat of fur can really feel the bite of cold weather. There natural coats may not keep him warm outdoors depending on how cold it is outside. Of course some dogs like Huskies like it cold outside but you still have to watch the weather to make sure they don’t get too cold.

If a dog is use to being indoors cold weather can really set in on the dogs since the dog is used to warm temperatures of the indoors. If a dog is an outside dog extremely cold temperatures are not good for the dog either. If you have an indoor dog and you are cold chances are the dog is cold to, inside dogs are use to the same indoor temperature that you are. If it is cold out and your dog has to go outside for a bit little booties may help him be more comfortable.

A good rule for humans to follow is if the temperature outside is Twenty degrees or less then a dog should not spend a lot of time outside. Maybe just a short trip to the bathroom and then they should come back in to warm up. If you take your dog ofr a walk you may want to consider the dogs comfort as well as your own. maybe a little doggy coat would help yet some dogs are hardy enough to go for a walk in just their natural coat. A cat should not be outside at all in temperatures less then twenty degrees since cats are not made for temperatures that cold.

There are ways you can help protect your dog from the cold and make there life more comfortable. One thing you can do for your dog is to shovel a path to a place that your dog likes to go. That way the dog will not have to fight walking through deep snow to get to their favorite spot. Dogs usually have a favorite place they like to check up on and smiff at everyday. It is their territory and a habit to check on certain places.

If your dog lives outside all the time it is best to keep there house off the ground. Insulating the house with clean dry straw and plenty of nice blankets will help the dog stay warm in winter. A dog likes to bundle itself up in blankets when it is cold and a little insulation of fine straw can go a long way for added comfort from the cold. If you have two dogs and they get along with each other if they can share the same house they can use each other for warmth by cuddling up together. If the temperature drops below twenty degrees it is best and most humane to invite your dog to stay in your nice warm house with you. Dogs can get very lonely and they love to have your company. A dog can be great company for a human too.

If you didn’t get your dog inside in time and you notice some of your dog’s skin is red, gray, white or black it could be frostbite and that can be very serious. Take your dog to see your Veterinarian as soon as you can. Remember your dog depends on you for all of his care, needs and safety. Your dog depends on you that you will take care of him and make sure that the dog in comfortable. If you take proper care of your dog you will have many rewards from you dog and the dog will be forever greatful.

Taking Care of Dogs in Cold Weather


Dogs get cold in the cold weather just like people do and it is important to make sure your dog is as comfortable as you can make the dog. Some dogs have heavy coats to protect them from the elements but most dogs even if they have a fine coat of fur can really feel the bite of cold weather. There natural coats may not keep him warm outdoors depending on how cold it is outside. Of course some dogs like Huskies like it cold outside but you still have to watch the weather to make sure they don’t get too cold.

If a dog is use to being indoors cold weather can really set in on the dogs since the dog is used to warm temperatures of the indoors. If a dog is an outside dog extremely cold temperatures are not good for the dog either. If you have an indoor dog and you are cold chances are the dog is cold to, inside dogs are use to the same indoor temperature that you are. If it is cold out and your dog has to go outside for a bit little booties may help him be more comfortable.

A good rule for humans to follow is if the temperature outside is Twenty degrees or less then a dog should not spend a lot of time outside. Maybe just a short trip to the bathroom and then they should come back in to warm up. If you take your dog ofr a walk you may want to consider the dogs comfort as well as your own. maybe a little doggy coat would help yet some dogs are hardy enough to go for a walk in just their natural coat. A cat should not be outside at all in temperatures less then twenty degrees since cats are not made for temperatures that cold.

There are ways you can help protect your dog from the cold and make there life more comfortable. One thing you can do for your dog is to shovel a path to a place that your dog likes to go. That way the dog will not have to fight walking through deep snow to get to their favorite spot. Dogs usually have a favorite place they like to check up on and smiff at everyday. It is their territory and a habit to check on certain places.

If your dog lives outside all the time it is best to keep there house off the ground. Insulating the house with clean dry straw and plenty of nice blankets will help the dog stay warm in winter. A dog likes to bundle itself up in blankets when it is cold and a little insulation of fine straw can go a long way for added comfort from the cold. If you have two dogs and they get along with each other if they can share the same house they can use each other for warmth by cuddling up together. If the temperature drops below twenty degrees it is best and most humane to invite your dog to stay in your nice warm house with you. Dogs can get very lonely and they love to have your company. A dog can be great company for a human too.

If you didn’t get your dog inside in time and you notice some of your dog’s skin is red, gray, white or black it could be frostbite and that can be very serious. Take your dog to see your Veterinarian as soon as you can. Remember your dog depends on you for all of his care, needs and safety. Your dog depends on you that you will take care of him and make sure that the dog in comfortable. If you take proper care of your dog you will have many rewards from you dog and the dog will be forever greatful.

How to Stop Dog Shedding


Unfortunately, dog shedding is a common problem for virtually all breeds, whether they have short or long hair. Of course, breeds with finer, softer hair may shed even worse. Either way, when dog shedding happens, you could be putting yourself and your family at greater risk for allegories and other breathing problems. Also, when it comes to aesthetics, excessive dog fur doesn’t look right on your carpet or furniture.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how_4674614_stop-dog-shedding.html#ixzz2bb9mZ0C6


    • Wash your dog. Before you can stop dog shedding, you must make sure that your animal is properly groomed. This process begins by thoroughly washing both their fur and skin. To do this, you need to first get a dog washing shower attachment. These attachments cost between $20 and $100, but they make bathing a lot easier. You won’t get water all over the place plus there won’t be any shampoo left behind in the dog’s skin.

      Make sure you only use dog shampoo and conditioner on your pet’s skin. Human shampoos may not contain the necessary ingredients to optimize the health of your dog’s skin and fur. And, if your dog has a dandruff problem, use dog shampoos that help treat dry skin.

    • Comb and brush your dog’s fur. Use dog shedding combs and brushes to remove the top layers of fur. You will want to make a habit of doing this every day, especially in the morning.

    • Use a vacuum dog brush. The techniques mentioned above do not help as much when it comes to removing a dog’s undercoat. That’s why you will want to consider an additional regime: sucking out some of the undercoat with a vacuum dog brush. These attachments are readily available at any pet store, and they’re easy to use. Just place them at the end of a vacuuming hose, and you’ll be ready for business.

    • Add a tablespoon of olive oil to your dog’s food. Olive oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are nutrients that are essential for your dog’s skin and fur. And, since olive oil is virtually tasteless, you won’t have to worry about the dog rejecting its food after it’s been added.

    • Give your pet dog vitamins. If a dog is malnourished, it is more likely to shed because it’s not receiving enough nutrients to maintain the health of its fur. And, due to the fact that many brands of dog food do not contain enough protein, you will want to give them vitamins regardless of how much they eat.

    • Schedule an appointment with your vet. Sometimes dog shedding is caused by a more serious health problem. So, if you plan on stopping the shedding, you will have to get a physical examination for your dog.

Why Does My Dog Lose So Much Fur?


If you live with a dog, you also live with dog hair. If your dog sheds a lot or if he has begun to lose much more hair than he used to, take note of it. Increased hair loss can be a sign of a health issue, and your dog may have to taken to a vet for a diagnosis.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_5255798_dog-lose-much-hair.html#ixzz2bb9Eq4EL

The Facts

  • All dogs shed. Just as in humans, your dog’s hair follicles have a three-part cycle: hair growth, hair loss and lying dormant. A certain number of follicles will be shedding hair at any given time. If your dog is losing more hair than normal you need to pay attention to that change. There are several possible causes for increased hair loss including include a change in seasons or a serious health problem.

Seasonal Shedding

  • If you keep your dog indoors year ’round, then her rate of shedding should stay fairly constant. If your dog spends a lot of time outside, then she could lose more hair because of a change in seasons. Many dogs shed heavily in the fall and again in the spring. If your dog is from a long-haired breed, she will naturally shed much more hair than dogs of shorter haired breeds.


  • A marked increase in hair loss, especially in patches, could be a sign your dog has a health problem. If your dog loses so much hair that he goes bald on his body, but he retains fur on his head and his feet, he could have Cushing’s disease. If his coat is thinning out markedly and his skin looks flaky, then he could have a thyroid disorder. Your veterinarian can tell you about treatment options for both of these conditions.


  • A bacterial, parasitic or fungal infection could be the reason why your dog loses so much hair. A bacterial infection such as pyoderma will cause her fur to fall out and leave behind bald patches. Mange is caused by mites. If they infect your dog, she will lose hair on her face, neck and ears. Ringworm is a fungal infection that triggers hair loss in bald patches. If your dog is losing hair because of an infection, your veterinarian can treat it.


  • Some dogs shed more than normal when they are pregnant. A nutritional deficiency can cause your dog to lose so much hair that it becomes noticeable. If your dog is allergic to something in his environment, he might scratch at itchy skin so hard and so often that he pulls hair loose. He can scratch so much that he even causes bald patches.



Hey everyone, I would like to personally thank all the people who have made incredible donations to our charity yard sale, we have all kinds of good things, tools, tables & chairs, things for your garden, books, house wares, Mc Donald collectibles, cameras, binoculars, far to many things to put down in writing. We are still taking donations for the yard sale and also we will have a food basket for any unopened pet food to be dropped off. The yard sale will be Aug 24-25 and if there is a lot of things left over we will hold it the following weekend as well, yes the long weekend. So come on everyone if you haven’t made a donation it’s not to late you can do it now!! You can arrange with me for a drop off day or I will be happy to pick anything up that requires a truck, so lets get cleaning out the attics, basements and garages I know you have stuff to get rid of and I want it!! If you have any questions please feel free to call or email me.

All proceeds will be going to our local charities such as Fixed Fur Life, Humane Society, Mastiff Rescue and some shelters in our surrounding area. This will be sponsored through my company rrruffhouse behavioral dog training. Please dig deep and donate!!

Who is up for the challenge???


OK so apparently some people still don’t understand what it feels like to be in a hot car on a summer day with the windows only open a crack! So here is the challenge I am putting forward…….. If you own a dog and that dog has fur I want you to wear a coat that would simulate your dogs fur so example; if you own a Sheppard, Newfoundlander, st Bernard, husky etc. then you must wear a heavy winter coat! If you own a short hair dog like a lab, boxer, bulldog,mastiff etc then you must wear a sweater. So the challenge is this you, your appropriate coat in a hot car with the windows cracked one inch for 30 min. I will video this challenge and post the resulting video on my website. If your not a chicken and are up to the challenge send me a message once I get enough people I will set a day and time!! So who’s ready???

Best food I have found


Here is what I have found, if you have a bulldog, boxer, boston terrier or a french bull-dog with some skin issues like their fur is falling out in patches, or they have that smell of sour yeast it is typical of bulldogs. I rescued our bull-dog Misses last may and soon after she arrived she started loosing her fur for some reason, we took her to the vet to make sure is wasn’t anything serious, which it wasn’t thank god, but that set me out on a journey to find a better dog food then the one she was eating! In my experience I have found that Acana Pacifica for bull dogs is a fantastic food. It is 60% fish, 40% fruits and veg. and ZERO grain! Our Misses has been on this food since May of this year and I am proud to say doing fantastic. I can not say enough good things about this food and it is also priced very fair! If you are looking for this food you can purchase it at  Global Pets both in Trenton and Belleville.