With over 23 years of experience, rrruffhouse specializes in rehabilitating difficult dogs of unfavorable behaviors. Aggressive and special needs dogs are my specialty! With consistent, positive reinforcement ANYTHING is possible!

Barking, jumping, chewing, pulling on walks, charging or barking at other dogs, biting and simply potty training! I can fix almost any unwanted behavior with kindness and consistent repetition! If you are not willing to give up neither am I, I will stick with you until the end!

Kindness, patience and routine produce happy dogs that will never turn on a human!!

613.779.1236 | grace@rrruffhouse.com

24 responses »

  1. HI, I am looking for some help with my fairly mischievous girl she is about a year and half and has had little to no training, she knows how to to sit and shake a paw, but I need her to have manners can u help?

    • Yes I can help, please give me a call so w can discuss your needs and build you a plan that youcan get excited about. My number is 613-779-1236 and leave a message with your contact info and I will get back to you ASAP. Thank you for your email and looking forward to hearing from you.

    • Thank you for your inquiry, in order to adopt one of our dogs there is a visit from you to see if your a match and also a adoption application to fill out. If after checking your refrences and you are approved then and only then will we proceed in finding a match for you and your needs. As in all adoptions there is an adoption fee.

  2. Hi, I was wondering if you could please email me as I am looking to get my 3 year old Boston terrier X daushound trained. If you could please email me on your pricing and some more information it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance. 🙂

    • Thank you for your email, please go to the website and look under rates, here you will find our prices and can get an idea of what you are looking for either a one time session or a group of lessons. we have packages to choose from to help save you some money on multiple lessons and can get you started as soon as you need it! Have a poke around and feel free to give us a call to set something up. Hope this helped you out? Also look at our seccess stories too they are testimonials from clients.

  3. I am wondering about training for my 2 yr old German Shepherd. He is very protective of me and if someone walks by my house he goes crazy, he has popped the screen of our front window out and when he wants in he jumps on the patio doors and has shredded our screen door. He is an amazing dog walks really good, but if anyone comes near me he loses it.
    Ao basically I am wondering what your coat is. Any info you can provide me would help me make a decision on what I need to do with my shepherd.

    • I can help you and think he needs some help, if you would like to contact me on the number on this site we can have a phone chat and I can get a bit more detail on how to help you and design a training package just for you!

  4. Hi Grace it’s Kathleen. Wanted to message you about visiting and talking about No Name 😉 I can’t get your number from mom or Kirsten at this time and didn’t want to text the number above in case it’s not a cell. You can send me a text 613-885-5287

    • right on this website at the top you will see the rrruffstart program tab, click on there and you will see a donate button where you can donate with credit card, debit, cash if you need further assistance please let me know! Thank you in advance!

  5. Hello, Grace,
    Your my last hope for my shep, he is two and a half. He has problems with new people and with taking something he considers his. A man was drunk and grabbed him hard and he bit. Now I have to move and can’t see my grand kids. I have placed him with a friend but they can’t keep him for long. I don’t want to see him put down or surrender him to the pound. I have little option however. Please help. Shawdy

    • What are you looking for from me? Do you want me to help you find him a home? Board him? Train him? I would like to help but I need a bit more info on how you would like me to help you. Please send me what you want and as much info on the dog as possible such as age, Name, breed, vaccinated?, Neutered?, permanent home? Temporary home? etc. Then I can possibly help you.

  6. Hello Grace I am located in Trenton and have an Amarican / English bulldog she is 1 year old and a very hard dog to keep controls of she jumps up at people including jumping up to the table she is hipper and just out of control we can’t play with her without her biting and if we open the front dore she is gone and takes at least an houre to ketch wile running back and forth acrost a Main Street I have calle and emailed other dog trainers I’m not sure what your prices are but I need help I’m on a low incom budget and can only afford te Minimom I just want my kids to be able to walk past her without getting mocked over she has been blocked off from my living room and bedrooms and is strictly in the kitchen because of her behavyar jumping on furnicher and being way over excited for a long period of time she knows to sit when told but only if it’s just her and I in a room other then that she knows nothig and not with a lack of trying to tea he her PLEAS HELP

    • I would be happy to help you and by the sounds of it your dog needs a lot of work, sounds like even the basics are missing. I am $70 per session which is one hour. Sounds to me like your dog requires more of a one on one in house training which is our boot camp program. This is a ten day in house training program where you dog will get the work out she needs. This is $700 for the full ten days. If you go back to the main page of this website you can read under success stories all the dogs whom have graduated from the boot camp program. If you would like to set up a training session or boot camp please email me again. Thank you for your inquiry.

  7. Hi Grace I have a 2 year old German Sheppard who is in a state of conffusion.My dads dog Shilo has bin living with the fact his master is seriously sick.They have come to live with me and my pac of two pugs one cat my husband and I.He has come along way with my dogs and learning his place.BUT I dont trust him.He has turned on me twice.I think it is because he is confused at who the leader is.Im usually the care giver and shit giver in my little world and my dad was at his home.But know all hell has hit the fan.He wont walk on a leash or let you even give basic care to him.He growls and raises his hackles to any visitors..PPPPPLLLLEEEAAAASSSSEEE HELP!!! Thanks Mel

    • Hello Mel,

      I can sure try and get you guys sorted, with that said it may not be a quick fix it may take him time. There are a few things we can work on and the first would be teaching him your pack order! It also sounds like he needs some socialization which we can also look into there are a few ways to accomplish this but I would need to see him and see what his issues are. If you would like to set up a training session to see where we are and where we go is up to you. I have some time next week if your interested? Please give me a call if you would like to set up a day and time that works for you 613-779-1236 and we can go from there.

  8. Love the Raechel blog Grace and you are right I am in for a run for my money! Loved the blog though, Raechel read it with me and was grins ear to ear 🙂

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