What is Boot Camp?

Boot Camp is reserved for the hard to handle dogs who are  not getting along well in their environment due to lack of discipline, manners or possibly owners that are in over their heads. Maybe you have a rescue that needs that bit of extra attention to help overcome their past. Maybe this is your first dog. Maybe your dog is stubborn. Who knows? There are as many reasons for boot camp as there are dogs!

Is Boodownload (2)t Camp Right for my dog?

This service is not offered to everyone. We reserve Boot Camp for dogs and humans who have the greatest needs. It is usually as a last case resort for dogs who are going to be given up if we don’t help. It also works well for very neurotic dogs. If this is a service you are interested in please feel to call and inquire.

How long is Boot Camp?

Boot Camp is a 10 day in-house program where your dog comes and stays with us in order to receive more structured training. When the 10 days are complete we work with you to ensure that the many behavioural changes the learned while at Boot Camp continue in their home environment.

This is a very successful program and many, many dogs have benefited from it. To read more on Boot Camp results click to read some of our SUCCESS STORIES.

How much does Boot Camp Cost?

To find out if your dog is a good candidate for Boot Camp we start with an in-person assessment so that we can discuss your dogs needs while I observe the dog. The fee for the assessment is $45.

The purpose of the evaluation is to discover what I can do for you and your dog! If I feel that I cannot help you I will tell you because for me it’s not about money it’s about helping your dog be the best dog it can be!

If we mutually decide to work together we customize a training plan to suit your individual needs. The cost varies for each dog, dependent on the individual needs and will be agreed upon prior to Bootcamp commencement. The $45 fee will be put towards your first session with me.

Where does the evaluation take place?

If you are in the Quinte and surrounding  area I will come to your home, we can meet at the dog park or even at your work (if your dog comes to work with you).

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